


苍井空院长咨询委员会致力于倡导苍井空, 推进工作, 加速学生毕业后的成功. 董事会成员担任 锚板 通过将我们连接到新的网络来帮助文学院, 机会, and resources; supporting our academic work; being an outward and visible sign of the strength and value of the liberal arts at SMC; and upholding the values central to the Saint Mary's mission and identity. 锚板是一种提供支撑的建筑特征, 稳定, 以及传统建筑的装饰. The classic mortar star anchor plate (pictured above) mirrors the five-pointed star that symbolizes our Lasallian Core Values.



韦恩Billheimer (英语' 94)是一位有成就的动画内容制作人. 在他职业生涯的早期, Billheimer was a freelance coordinator on several features shot in San Francisco including What Dreams May Come, 詹姆斯和大桃子, 和弗鲁伯一起担任导演巴里·莱文森的助理. Wayne加入Industrial Light & 魔术(ILM)卢卡斯电影公司1999年和, 在接下来的二十年里, 他一步步晋升为视觉效果执行制片人, 他曾参与《十大正规网赌平台》等电影的制作, 《十大网赌平台》和《十大网赌平台》系列电影, 复仇者, 这具木乃伊, 诺亚, 和裁员. He credits his Saint Mary’s English major not only with teaching him about how to understand and tell stories effectively but also with equipping him to communicate and work effectively with highly diverse creative and technical teams. 2008年1月,韦恩离开工业光魔,去苹果公司担任工程总监. 他和他的妻子Sally(1994年出生)住在奥克兰。.



凯利E. 博伊德 (Integral ’84) has had an extensive career in the energy and environmental sectors as well as in the public policy realm.  She began her career as a regulator handling mergers and anti-trust issues at the 加州 Public Utilities Commission and was tapped to be the Chief Consultant in the 加州 State Assembly’s Energy Committee during the state’s energy crisis of 200-2002.  在代表Verizon之后, 爱迪生国际公司, 洛杉矶水电局, 在Manatt和Nossaman律师事务所任职期间,他还与许多通信和能源协会合作, 她成为了爱迪生公司的高管, heading up State Public Affairs for 加州 and serving as part of its Senior Women’s 领导 Team.  自2015年离开爱迪生公司以来, 她一直代表着能量, water and environmental firms and associations – primarily in the clean energy and emerging technologies space and serves on various state Task Forces related to wildfire prevention/resilience, 森林管理, 和可持续性.  Kelly also serves on non-profit boards and was a founding board member of 加州 Women in Energy and is the Executive Director of the 加州 Low Carbon Fuel and Energy Coalition.  她积极参与辅导项目, 包括担任SheShares计划的赞助商和长期导师, 也是玛丽亚·施赖弗的周日报纸队的大使, 积极参与包容性, 多代和多文化的拓展和网络.  她和她的拉布拉多犬露易丝住在萨克拉门托郊外,是三个成年孩子的母亲.



迪克森楚 (Integral '86) is a fintech innovator with more than 25 years experience who has provided executive leadership at PayPal, 雅虎!富国银行(Wells Fargo)、花旗银行(Citi)和西班牙对外银行(BBVA)等. 目前,他担任Copper, Inc .的首席执行官.,一个创新的数据和支付解决方案,为食品服务 & 饮料工业. 在此之前,他是BBVA投资组合管理的全球主管, 西班牙第二大银行, 它正在“把自己改造成一个数字企业”(《十大网赌平台》). 他还为包括Bluefin在内的领先公司提供董事会服务和/或建议, Ingo钱, 新兴城市!、确认.以及非营利组织行动机会基金(acaction Opportunity Fund),这是向小企业提供贷款的最大非营利组织. 旧金山本地人, 迪克森在圣玛丽综合计划中获得了所有经典的“名著”文科教育.  一次偶然的实习让他进入了金融科技领域. 他与妻子和两个上大学的孩子住在旧金山.



杰夫·莱斯利 (English ’91) is a communications and change management professional who spent more than a decade managing communications and World Wide Channel Sales for Autodesk before joining DocuSign in 2016, 担任现场通信/销售支持总监. Jeff在项目管理方面有丰富的经验, 战略沟通, 培训计划的开发和交付, 变更管理程序的开发和交付.  He also serves on the board of the San Francisco chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and is passionate about the value of a liberal arts 教育 to the business world. 杰夫与妻子和两个女儿住在马林,他在那里出生和长大.


海蒂·黄恩(海蒂 Huynh)摄

海蒂 Huynh Racherla (英语95, Board Chair 2021-) has over twenty years experience in the banking industry and joined Bank of America in 2001, 她现在是公司的高级副总裁, 企业业务 & 旧金山和东湾的社区参与和市场经理. 在她17年的任期内, 她担任过金融中心的所有职位, 包括金融中心经理, 最近的职位是消费者市场经理和运营市场经理, 领导由30多名直接下属和300多名同事组成的团队. 2014年和2015年,她的市场被认可为全国前10%和地区前3名. 除了强劲的收入和合作业绩, 海蒂 led her team to all time high client satisfaction as well as employee engagement survey results 7-10% higher than national and local averages in key brand/pride metrics. 她为她的组织提供负责任和可持续发展的领导, 特别是通过环境保护, 社会和治理(ESG)倡议, 社区参与, 慈善事业, 市场营销 & 赞助, x-LOB业务集成, 影响者与企业的联系, 公民和非营利组织领导人, 员工的发展, 参与和志愿服务. 海蒂, 谁最初打算当教授, 将她对教学的热情引导到社区和员工的参与度和影响力中. 她和丈夫喜欢国际旅行和摄影, Sangam, 她是一个狂热的体育迷和运动员,最近完成了她的前两个半程马拉松.



安妮塔Torrano (Integral ’92; Executive MBA ’02) is a supply chain and business transformation executive with expertise in designing end-to-end business operations.  作为亿滋国际美国西部客户物流总监.S., encompassing 29 states, she has oversight for over 1,000 employees in the distribution food chain.  She has over 25 years of operational experience working at two Fortune 500 CPG food companies:  Kraft Foods and Mondelez International.  她曾在多个企业领导业务合并, 系统实现和业务获取的角色包括分布, 运输, 销售支持和人力资源.  She is passionate about her Integral 教育 and year abroad as helping shape her critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.  作为她所在组织的高级领导, 她影响和制定团队遵循的战略的能力对商业成功至关重要, 她在本科和研究生阶段学习和发展了很多东西.   Anita served as the lead on the Mondelez international’s Global 多样性 Task Force and as a past and current Officer for the Network of Executive Women’s Northern 加州 Region.  她是一个狂热的读者,喜欢旅行.  她已婚,和丈夫克里斯住在丹维尔.



丹Whitehurst (政府69年, Board Chair 2019-2021) is an attorney/businessman whose career has also included stints in government, 教育, 媒体和非营利组织. 从圣玛丽中学毕业八年后, 他被选为弗雷斯诺市长, 加州, 成为美国大城市最年轻的市长. He served on the board of directors of the National League of Cities and was president of the mayors department of the League of 加州 Cities. He left office in 1985 and was a resident fellow of the Institute of Politics at Harvard's Kennedy School. 在他的商业生涯中, he was CEO of funeral service companies with locations in 加州 and Washington and a director of AAA of Northern 加州, 内华达州和犹他州. He was also a longtime television and radio commentator and wrote public policy articles for the Los Angeles Times, 波士顿环球报和加州日报. 他曾担任Great Valley Center的董事会主席, Institute for Local Government and 加州 Issues Forum and was Maddy Professor of Public Administration at Fresno State. 他在圣玛丽的时候, he served as editor of the Collegian and student body president and led a student movement that successfully advocated the admission of women to the College and the initiation of the Jan Term program. He says one of his most influential life experiences was serving on the SMC Board of Trustees as the student representative. Dan and his wife Kathleen live in the Napa Valley and have two grown children and three grandchildren.



亚历克斯·柯式 我在公共关系方面有超过15年的经验, 曾领导包括亚马逊在内的一系列科技公司的外部沟通项目, Coinbase, Facebook(现在的Meta), GE, Salesforce, 和更多的. 他自2014年以来一直在苹果工作,目前担任公共关系总监, 为消费科技领域最重要的产品——iPhone——提供全球领先的通信服务. 工作之余, 亚历克斯是光线剧院的志愿者, 一个非营利性的, San Francisco-based musical theatre company known for producing fresh interpretations of the classics as well as bold new musicals that push boundaries. 在圣玛丽的时候, 他在勒费夫尔剧院度过了大量的时光, and was an Ambassador in the 招生 office where he perfected the art of walking backwards while talking as a tour guide for prospective students. Alex和他15年多的伴侣以及他们的Chiweenie Thor住在旧金山.



咨询委员会还得到下列机构的支持 海蒂·斯托内塔·巴特勒. 海蒂于2017年加入圣玛丽进步办公室,担任巨额礼品官. 以前, 她在医疗保健领域工作了17年, 包括在萨特健康公司工作了近十年. 海蒂和她的配偶以及四个年幼的孩子住在莫拉加.